Selasa, 07 Juni 2011
Importance of Self Motivation
"Speaking of self-motivation, why after attending a motivational seminar, motivation does not last long?" In another article I have discussed that motivation can indeed be reduced. Motivation thought it permanent, is the first mistake. The second reason is that we will lose motivation if we only expect motivation from the outside. Because the strongest motivation comes from yourself.
And what about the role of motivation from the outside? Although self-motivation is important, it does not mean the motivation from the outside is not important. Motivation comes from outside can help find and raise your self-motivation. A good motivator would be to build yourself into someone who is able to find and generate self-motivation is the motivation.
Self Motivation Factors
In many NLP books mentioned that there are only two factors of self-motivation is to pursue pleasure and avoid suffering or pain. But if I kerucutkan again, there is only one motivation factor, which is love. The greater our love, the greater the motivation to rise.
See, many people who until desperate suicide because of broken love. This illustrates that love has the power to move us, even for things that are bad and do not make sense. Maybe you have a lot of listening to stories of love trash, anything done "for love". Love is the source of self-motivation.
Joe Vitale realize the power of love as the main motivator after he saw the movie 50 First Dates (2004) (50 First Date) which describes the efforts of a man who every day try to make seroang woman fall in love with him. This business is conducted every day, because the girl idol have memory that can recall only 1 day. This is just one of the many love stories on film.
You can harness the power of love is to gain self-motivation. Of course, not limited to a love for the opposite sex, but love other things as well. When you love your job, you will have enough motivation at work. Look pemasin football, in the midst of a tight schedule, they still enjoy playing on the field, because they love the profession as pesebak ball.
Most Powerful Self Motivation
However, there is love the strongest. When you do not have this love, really you've wasted your life. This is the greatest love, which motivates the jihadists on the battlefield. Not afraid to die, do not fear pain, not afraid of anything, for the sake of this love. This love is nothing else, love to God. Love to God, is an essential love that became the most powerful source of self motivation.
Because the work is part of worship. Likewise, businesses are part of worship. And, of worship are as our love for God, then work and our business also is a manifestation of our love for God. Supposedly, when we work and business, we will have a high motivation.
Let us pancangkan our intention that our businesses to work and worship. Let us fertilizer our consciousness, that business and our work is one manifestation of our love for God.
Is there a feeling our love for God? If it feels less, then our faith must be increased again. For the love of God only owned by those who believe.
As for those who believe very highly of his love for God. (Surat al-Baqara: 165).
Thus, self-motivation can be developed to increase faith in God continually. God's Love to the higher, self-motivated even higher.
The days will be lived with full spirit
No other form of proof of our love to God apart from worship. Ibadahlah demanded by God. As proof, if we love Him then we'll do what is asked by his beloved.
Moreover, all the life we have to in order to worship. All our activity is worship. This means that all the gestures we have is a form of love to God.
* First, intend that what we do is for the sake of God that we love.
* Second, do something with the demands of our activity syar'i, whether it is worship or ghair maghdoh maghdoh, both existing guidance. This means that as a form of love of God we will continue to learn how to practice the correct way.
* And that our spirit we will do it. Usually, we'll do something with passion, courage, and continuous for the sake of his beloved.
But Love Affair Hearts
Love is the affairs of the heart. Love is not forced. Is it true? Of course there is truth. However, by nature, humans are creatures who love God. The human nature is to love God.
But in reality, love of God can dibelokan. We can see how in love with the opposite sex can succumb to the love of God. The proof is that they are willing to do these things sin for his love to girlfriend. Love to the property can defeat our love to God. The proof is a lot of people who want to do business is haram for his love to treasure.
Syaithan by exploiting the passions make what we love other than God to be so beautiful. As if there is no love is more important than "someone" idol of his heart. Whatever it is willing to do for his love.
And thus have We made for every prophet an enemy, namely the demons (of type) human and (of species) jin, sebahagian They will whisper to the other beautiful words to deceive-beautiful (man). If thy Lord willed, they do not do it, then leave them and what they have to invent. (Surat al-An'am: 112)
Love affairs of the heart is, but we can cleanse our hearts so that we have a real love, in love with the place. Love to the opposite sex, wealth, family, and others may as your self-motivation, which is important not to defeat your love to God as the main self-motivation.
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