The story of the film, starring Jirayu La-ongmanee, Patchara Jirathiwat and ThawatPornrattanaprasert tells about Ped (Jirayu). He is friendly with Koong (Patchara) since childhood. Koong had a twin sister, Kay is very popular among high school girls becausethey are adept at playing the guitar.
Koong not to be outdone, so invite Ped to form a rock band. Their friend named Ex(Thawat) were invited. Actually the purpose of establishing the band so they can attract the attention of the girls school. But unfortunately they were destroyed and musicalperformances that brought the band felt strange to the students.
Luckily their situation changed with the emergence of a girl from another school transfer student named Ern (Nattasha Nauljam). Beautiful girl is very adept at playing the guitarstrings. Apparently Ern is nothing but a childhood friend in elementary school who used toPed secretly liked Ped. Ern willing to join their band called Suck Seed it.
Ern presence brings a new color into their music to be more acceptable to their high school students. But Ern also brings the dynamics of the relationship between Ped, Koongand Ern himself. Ped wanted to express my joy that had not yet had time to Ern expressed,but the problem Koong also like Ern. It made Ped hesitated.
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