Kamis, 02 Juni 2011
Good man religion
That night, he has made a historic decision in his life. I myself have witnessed a young man who left wonderful time Saturday night, to come spend time with us in a collection. He is aware of the decision and know that the risks he must separate from the previous clusters to set a better and eternal. A collection in which we smiled at each other and beruluk greetings. A collection in which we invite each other to believe and do good deeds. A collection that makes a person metamorphoses into a righteous believer. A collection in which the believer must become a butterfly and distributing charm of kindness amid the people. A collection of his choice it is Halaqah Islam.
That night at a small mosque, just not far behind him stands a magnificent shopping center in the city of Tangerang. For a young man, the night was very tempting. Saturday night with the rituals of modern ignorance, held in the shopping center. Plus the hustle and bustle of the vehicle in which the young people who are not mahramnya berboncengan each other's arms. Pretty girls with toddler clothes back and forth alongside a road. Quite often pass in front of our small prayer house. But that's all, not at all discourage our footsteps to the mosque. Not at all tempted him to join clusters that just kill time and smearing himself with the immoral.
He sat with us in the loop. Introduce herself. And he expressed his intent and purpose, "I want to move!". That's it. Short, concise and clear. The words were later to be signaling that he should turn into a better person with a commitment to Islam. And it proved in the following days he became a person who always come on time in our collection and he never comes without reason syar'i. That suggests a steely determination to change
I still remember, when he first read the Qur'an. Stammered and slightly misspelled. But not the least cripple his determination to keep learning. I also still remember when he fought back to not smoking in front of us because he was embarrassed to see us no one was smoking. One day he told me that he has a girlfriend, but she did not dare to take the decision to get married or end the illicit relationship.
And the days go on. He became the first man. First present in Halaqah. The first move in any proselytizing agendas. First a mitigating hands among us who experience hardship. And in the days running that he had begun to read the Qur'an fluently. Even hafalannya began to grow. And he also told, that the habit of hanging out with us to make it accustomed to not smoking. Slowly he finally quit smoking. With increasing knowledge and faith, without any need of us call it, he ended his illicit relationship with her boyfriend.
Today, as I write this article, has three years from that historic night, he was happy to have found his sweetheart. A sister Shalihah alongside him at the altar. Akhwat that he first met a month ago through a process ta'aruf (introduction) through murrabi (supervisor) us. He has ended his bachelor. And today he asked us to collect the orphans, and invited him on the Day of her marriage. Invited to eat together and given compensation. Subhanallah. On her wedding day she still wanted to give the best to note in his life.
In religious life, we may often ask, such as whether religion was a good person? Are people pretty much his religious knowledge? Are people being hard on religion? So easy to forbid something?
Perhaps we often see people who have enough religious knowledge. They may well explain the various arguments could even argue with the eloquent, but they do not really feel the religion as an impetus to act and guidance in doing. Religion was not inspiring in their lives. In this case, religion is similar to our knowledge of biology or chemistry, even though religion still influences the lives of people who know the science, as low as any. Often they do not have the pride of his religion. Often just feeling embarrassed when talking to appeal based on religion. As a result, religion seemed to lose its relevance to our lives now, though in fact what happens is we never try to understand the will of the religion of our daily lives.
Or in other places, we are also not rare to see people who are experiencing the euphoria of religion. They are very high spirited run a religion that not infrequently their attitude excessive. In general, their religious knowledge is still superficial. That is why they often act very reactive without trying to tabayyun 'confirmation' when encountered dissent to the small questions that their teachers would receive it with the most senior gracefully.
Their attitude is reactive and looking spirit, we are often misunderstood as militancy, but the euphoria that is not well controlled actually vulnerable to the futur (interrupted in the middle of the road) that would damage the militancy. People who experienced the euphoria often seem more vibrant, more bells and whistles, and louder reaction against anything that contradicts with what is believed. Excessive attitude was precisely in turn causes them easy to lose spirit.
Consider some of the advice of the Prophet. following;
"Any charity that is the spirit and the weak. Any person who at the time he remained in Sunnahku weakness (cue) then he has been lucky. However, those who switch to other than that meant he had been hurt. "(Narrated by Ahmad)
Messenger of Allah. also been reminded Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash ra, "O Abdullah, do not be like the so and so. Before this, she is awake at night (Prayer Tahajjud), but then he left at all. "(Narrated by Bukhari)
Then as if his religion was a good person? Beginning of the story before, about a friend, might be an example of a good religion. Just look at Al-Qura'an talk about them;
"And ye haste to the forgiveness of your Lord and for Paradise as wide as heaven and earth, prepared for those who fear Allah, (that) those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity or in adversity, and those who restrain anger and mema'afkan (wrong) people. Allah loves those who do good. And (also) those who, when working on indecency or wronged themselves, they would remember God, then beg forgiveness of their sins and who else who can forgive sin apart from God? and they did not pursue kejinya act that, while they know. They reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and Gardens underneath which rivers flow, while they abide therein; and That's the best to reward those who do good. "(Surah Ali-Imran [3]: 133-136 )
Look, if the Qur'an speak of good faith that they were people who pretty much science? Or people who are good at arguing? Or that hard in a religion and not make it easier? Whereas the Prophet. warns us to facilitate the religious and not difficult. Accidentally in the verse I thicken a few words, to show their characteristics in the Qur'an.
They may have a lot to have science or religion can be read the Qur'an it is very difficult. However, there are likening them, whether they have a lot of knowledge and the laity. The awareness that we are very weak and always open opportunities to make a mistake making them easy to accept tausiyah counsel and advice even from the younger. Sometimes indeed they are still far from adequate religious knowledge, but their readiness to learn, accept the truth, and the change towards a better self within the limits of its ability, making them easy to be touched with the verses.
Talk about their very real dance, but I find myself still very much the situation than they were and who my friends tell me in the beginning. Not worth it feels to write at length, while the self is still questionable. Therefore, I am both ends meet here. May Allah make us go in a group of people cautious, a good religion. Allahuma amin
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