Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

The largest salt lake

The largest salt water lake in the Middle East and the third largest in the world, Oroumieh, located in Iran threatened destroyed. This lake has now become a giant salt fields because the water is dry due to incorrect handling of water distribution.
Reporting from the page the Associated Press, Wednesday, May 25, 2011, the lake area of ​​5200 square kilometers and is 16 meters berkedalaman formerly a migratory flamingo, pelicans, and sea gull. Now the only remaining white expanse of salt because as much as 60 percent of water is shrinking and is expected to recede a total of a few more years.
As a result of these events, tourism around the lake paralyzed. Some employers hire ship had moored his ship because it can no longer sail. Oroumieh deepest point is now only about two meters, kecilpun passenger boat will not be able to walk. The wind that brings salt from the lake also has the potential to damage the agricultural areas located nearby.
"The wind saline not only bad for neighborhoods, but also damaging agriculture in areas far from the location," said Masoud Mohammadian, agriculture officials in Tehran.
The Iranian government says that drought Oroumieh river caused by drought and excessive irrigation. In addition, construction of dams around the lake also contribute a little more damage. Actually this problem has emerged since the 90s, but the Iranian government still build 35 dams on the rivers that flow into the lake.
Nasser Agh, environmental lecturer at the University of Tabriz Sahand, said that the drought cycle calculation error experts also cause dryness of the lake. "Experts initially thought the dry time is 10-year cycle, but it was dry due to drought continues," he said.
Vice president of Iran, Mohammad Javad Mohammadizadeh, said the government has set a three-stage weather control to prevent a total drought. However, the government's plan is viewed pessimistically by experts.
Kahram Ismail, a professor at the University of Tehran Azad said that the only way to fill the lake water to release some of Oroumieh is water in the dammed river. "The lake to be suffering from these dams. The government must release 20 percent of water from the dam," said Kahram.
Other experts, Mostafa Ghanbari, from Lake Oroumieh Rescue Group said that the only way to save the lake is to enter the water from the Caspian Sea. This, he said, can be done by pumping water from a distance of 700 kilometers away.
Khanjari Eskandar, a local journalist, said that all plans are just a mere plan. He said that the only way is to wait for the rain to meet river. "It seems people have only one road, that is praying for rain," he said.

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